Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Mt. Jackson, Mt. Pierce, Mt. Eisenhower, NH
Trails: Webster-Jackson Trail, Webster Cliff Trail, Crawford Path, Eisenhower Loop, Crawford Connector
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: Parked at the newly paved lot for the Webster-Jackson trailhead off US 302. This large lot is free and plowed after storms. No kiosk or privy. 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Snow - Unpacked Powder, Snow - Wet/Sticky, Snow - Spring Snow, Snow/Ice - Postholes 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment: Snowshoes, Light Traction 
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: Nothing of significance. The two crossings on Webster-Jackson are still ice bridged. 
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: Could the blazes on Webster Cliff between the peaks of Jackson and Mizpah hut be updated? They are not really a hindrance in summer, but they are very faded and present issues when trying to locate the trail in winter. 
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes:  
Lost and Found
Lost and Found:  
Comments: Route:
Webster-Jackson to summit of Jackson > Webster Cliff trail to summit of Pierce > Crawford Path > Mt Eisenhower Loop to summit and back to > Crawford Path > Crawford Connector > road walk on US 302 back to parking.

Webster-Jackson: well blazed in blue to the summit. I initially carried my spikes in my hand as I so rarely use snowshoes on this trail. Ha! Recent snowfall called for snowshoes. So I donned them not far from starting. Since this is a popular trail with the masses, most people had traversed it in spikes. It is quite chewed up with divots. Many postholes in higher elevations. The ledges below the summit cone are ice free and completely covered in deep, stable snow. The summit cone itself was easily climbed in snowshoes in the morning. I would not fault you if you decided to use traction, though. There are some small pieces of ice mixed in with the snow on the summit cone that one would be more comfortable walking on in traction. 12/12 iterations complete! This sucker is gridded!

Webster Cliff Trail: this is the AT and is blazed in very faded white blazes. After crossing the summit cone of Jackson and beginning the descent towards Pierce, I encountered completely unbroken trail. But I knew this would be the case. I kept my snowshoes, obviously, on. The good part is that there was no ice. You know those ledges descending off the cone that can be slathered in ice? Ha! No ice today! Very easy going down in snowshoes. Snow was deep, but not as deep as Owl’s Head yesterday! I think it was around 8 inches. The snow was getting soft quick and became very heavy. Thus my transit time slowed considerably. I had to route hunt a few times, and thankfully could pull the trail from memory to figure out where it went.

At the Mizpah hut (closed, no shelter) I met two hikers who planned to head to Jackson. They had broken the trail down from Pierce’s summit. Thank you! Thus when I headed up Pierce, I did not have to break trail. But the snow was super sticky and very, very heavy. Snowshoes did their best to deal with the strain of clumping snow on the deck of the shoes. The ladders and sketchy ledge crossing are completely filled in with snow presenting no challenges today. Yea for 14/12 iterations for Pierce! Bonus peak! No ice encountered.

Crawford Path: I will discuss this in two segments.
The Path from Pierce to Eisenhower Loop- this is also the AT, but is marked with cairns over the numerous open ledges. These were completely visible above the shrinking snowpack. There was enough snow to warrant snowshoes. But there are also open rocks and open short segments of trail. There were equal parts snowshoers and spike users. There were postholes and divots. It was so warm in the sun that things were melting quickly. In essence, it was very much spring like above tree line today.

Pierce to Crawford Connector: this trail is not blazed (I think), but it is over 200 years old and is well travelled in all seasons. I elected to stay in snowshoes due to the incredibly soft snow. Crawford Path is well broken out with a mix of snowshoes, spikes and bare boots. It’s spring like snow, very soft and sometimes deceiving as something will look stable then sink under one’s weight. There are postholes, nothing extreme. This path was in much better shape than Webster-Jackson!

Mt Eisenhower Loop: this is marked with cairns only. All were visible as the snow was nearly gone. I took my snowshoes off a short distance in on this trail and was glad I did. I switched to spikes, but really, bare boots would be fine as there was no ice and small segments of soft snow. Lots of open trail just below the summit. No snow on the summit. Some rime ice on the summit cairn. Ladders were open. I put snowshoes back on at the location I took them off.

Crawford Connector: not blazed. Broken out in snowshoes. Simple link to US 302 or the AMC Center.

So nice to see you again, Donna!! I sincerely hope our paths cross again! Also, I think I saw Hilde. I bid a quick greeting to a female hiker making her way to Ike’s summit, then kept moving as my day was almost done. My brain finally put a picture of her face to a potential name a minute or two after I passed her. I called out “Hilde?” But she had already moved out of earshot. Hilde, if that was you, so sorry I wasn’t quicker to recognize you!!  
Name: Remington34 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2024-03-13 
Link: https:// 
Disclaimer: Reports are not verified - conditions may vary. Use at own risk. Always be prepared when hiking. Observe all signs. Trail conditions reports are not substitutes for weather reports or common sense.

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