Hiking Trail Conditions Report
Peaks Mt. Pierce, Mt. Eisenhower, NH
Trails: Crawford Path, Webster Cliff Trail, Eisenhower Loop, Edmands Path
Date of Hike
Date of Hike: Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Parking/Access Road Notes
Parking/Access Road Notes: Plenty of parking at Crawford Path trailhead off Mt Clinton Road/Rt 302 when I arrived at 8:20am or so. Not surprising for a mid-week hike, but yeah, might have expected more given glowingly beautiful weather forecast. 
Surface Conditions
Surface Conditions: Dry Trail, Wet Trail, Wet/Slippery Rock, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable, Mud - Significant 
Recommended Equipment
Recommended Equipment:  
Water Crossing Notes
Water Crossing Notes: Not a problem. Still plenty of dribbling runoff water underfoot in places, but no crazy over thigh, knee or above-ankle crossings. Whew. 
Trail Maintenance Notes
Trail Maintenance Notes: One tree on Crawford Path NE after Crawford & Mizpah Cutoff junction. Maybe a couple on Edmunds Path, easily surmounted. In general all trails are great shape otherwise. Thanks to the trail maintainers! 
Dog-Related Notes
Dog-Related Notes: A few. All and their owners were friendly. :-) 
Bugs: Not many. Some black flies on Ike's summit that were more intent upon warming up on my black jacket than biting. Odd. 
Lost and Found
Lost and Found: One dark colored Nike swosh hat (left in place, hanging on a sappling branch). I think it was on Crawford Path, but don't quote me. Unless I take photo, recalling the exact sequencing of my steps is a lost art. 
Comments: I had decided to take one of two routes back out from Mt Eisenhower, the final peak. To reverse my steps and return to the Crawford Path trailhead in Crawford Notch, or to descend from Eisenhower to Edmunds Path and then a 2+ slog back up Mt Clinton road to Crawford Path trailhead and my vehicle. The former had the advantage of getting back to my car and experiencing at least another 1.2 miles of above treeline views in reverse, and the latter, getting off the busy ridge and into the woods. Decided on the latter. Imagine my surprise that after reaching the Edmunds Path trailhead and walking 1 mile up Mt Clinton Road, some kind hiker souls from Waterville took pity on me and gave me a ride the rest of the way back to my wagon. Thanks to them!

Blue bird day. It's one of these rarified occasions when Mt Washington's Observatory proclaims clear skies, reasonable, cool temps and diminishing wind speeds, that makes for "Wow, what am I doing home. Go North!" And so I did with few regrets, save for not continuing on to Mt Monroe for an out and back. But it would made for a late day... maybe another time.

Another great day in the mountains. Doesn't get any better. :-)  
Name: Mike D 
Date Submitted
Date Submitted: 2023-08-24 
Link: https:// 
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