Hiking Trail Conditions Report |
 | Peaks |
Pliny Mountain, West Pliny Mountain, NH |
 | Trails: |
Priscilla Brook Trail, bushwhack |
 | Date of Hike: |
Sunday, May 31, 2020 |
 | Parking/Access Road Notes: |
On the side of Ingerson Road in Jefferson. |
 | Surface Conditions: |
Dry Trail, Wet Trail, Wet/Slippery Rock, Standing/Running Water on Trail, Mud - Minor/Avoidable, Mud - Significant |
 | Recommended Equipment: |
 | Water Crossing Notes: |
None on my route. |
 | Trail Maintenance Notes: |
Priscilla Brook Trail is long abandoned so expect conditions to match. The path is very muddy right now. |
 | Dog-Related Notes: |
Didn't see any. |
 | Bugs: |
The cool and breezy weather kept them away. |
 | Lost and Found: |
Nothing. |
 | Comments: |
abandoned Priscilla Brook Trail, bushwhack
The abandoned Priscilla Brook Trail can still be followed with care. The ultimate goal was to get up near HOL but as I ascended the trail got to be too much work with the amount of mud and downed trees so I cut that a bit short and headed SE at ~ 2800 feet. This worked out well as the woods were open and made for easy navigation up the slope. Making good time to the summit I decided to visit West Pliny also by heading WNW to the col and then SW up an easy slope, again through pretty open woods. The summit area on West Pliny is a long, flat ridge and has very open woods - a nice place for lunch :) Descending SW from there I encountered a lot of scrub higher up that slowed progress but it opened up moderately as I descended. I actually found an old skidder road that I hopped onto for a while which made life a little easier until descending back to the trail.
Throughout the morning there were little sleet/freezing rain pellets falling for brief periods every once in a while with a short shower of them mid-morning as I was ascending West Pliny. It was breezy, cool and cloudy the entire time also. Everything here was wet so the rain gear was on for the duration. If you come here make sure your boots are still waterproof - lotsa mud, especially on PBT. On the plus side Priscilla Brooks itself is very nice and is running well right now. Needless to say I didn't see anyone else on this trek. |
 | Name: |
 | E-Mail: |
trailsntrees(at)gmail(dot)com |
 | Date Submitted: |
2020-05-31 |
 | Link: |
https:// |
Disclaimer: Reports are not verified - conditions may vary. Use at own risk. Always be prepared when hiking. Observe all signs. Trail conditions reports are not substitutes for weather reports or common sense. |